
Monday, October 8, 2012

A first!

I'm so excited that I just had to share...I finally made a sale on Etsy!  My first!  

True, it didn't go as I expected.  It's taken a while longer than I was hoping.  I didn't even sell a purse! Gasp!  I did sell a really cute organizer/caddy. 

It's "made" for books for the car, but it could be for whatever wherever you want.  I've seriously thought about making one, dividing the pockets and using it for all kinds of stuff in my closets and rooms in my house.  I absolutely love organizing so making something I can use to organize with just makes sense and makes me happy!

Oh, there's a bonus to all this kids really love it, and they actually like putting books back in it.  Get that!  They think cleaning up their stuff is fun!!! Yippeee! 

The caddy I sold is actually a custom job.  It will have some fabulous fabrics in the colors picked by the client.  Aqua, red and white.  I love those color combinations and knew immediately some fabrics by Michael Miller and Riley Blake that would work for this project.  I can't wait now to get the fabric so I can get working on it and see the final product.  It's going to be amazing!!!  

So, if all this talk makes you want one of these wonderful organizational tools, contact me at my Etsy shop, So Love to Sew.  I can custom make on for you too!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

An all by myself creation

I've been dying to use some chevron fabric.  Absolutely love the stuff!  My little one gave me a good excuse.  She decided to rub mac and cheese all into my purse.  Yes, I probably could have washed it, but that's not the point. :)   I wanted a new purse for the fall anyway.  

I found a cute purse/tote that I loved, but I get cheap and don't want to buy patterns.  I love all the free tutorials out there!  I've become familiar enough with the basics of purses that I knew I could figure it out.  And I did! 

You know you love it!  I'm super happy with it, and what's even better is that I did this without instructions, patterns. Nothing! The bow/sash comes off.  It's currently cinched around the top of the purse by belt loops, but it can be taken off in case you need a cute scarf.  And the inside of the purse is the same cute fabric.  I am in love with these colors!  Oh, look.  It matches my blog! :)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Sew many purses!

I've come to the conclusion that one of the reasons that I like purses so much (besides the fact of how fun and cute they can be) is that no matter what, they still fit!  I think I figured this out when I was 9 months pregnant with my little one.  My shoes were getting too tight.  Even my maternity clothes were starting to get too short, but my purse still fit!  Isn't that a great feeling when you're feeling as big as a house.  At least something still works for you!

I also love how I can find a purse that is fun, colorful, and a little daring even.  I don't carry a purse just to match it to my outfit.  I don't really care about that.  If I love a purse, I carry it usually for a good amount of time before switching out, usually at the end of a season.  So, finding a great purse just makes me so very happy!

Speaking of purses...  :)

I've made a few more.  They are listed in my Etsy store So Love to Sew.  Here's a quick look at them.  I have more pics available on my Etsy site so you can see all the details.

The purse below is not actually on my site for sale (though it can be if anyone is interested!)  After I started making purses for myself and a few others, my daughter decided she needed a purse like mine.  So, of course, I made her one.  Her's isn't quite as sturdy and a about half the size.  It even has all the cute little pockets inside.  She loves it!  She carries it with her often.  I was so excited when I realized my little girl likes purses as much as me!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sewing Addict???

Since I started really getting into sewing, I realized that if I don't sew for a couple of days or don't have a project to work on, I crave a sewing session.  Hello, my name is Karrie.  I'm addicted to sewing.  Maybe it's not just a sewing thing.  I think it's a creating thing in general.  If I can't sew, like when I break my only needle, I will find something to make in some other way.  

One day last week I got the urge to sew something and had seen this adorable baby doll diaper tutorial from The Cottage Home.  I knew my daughter would love to have some reusable diapers for her babies so while she was at school I whipped up a few with some scrap fabric I had.

She loved them!  Of course, I can't just leave it at that.  I had to ask her if the babies needed matching dresses.  So I made three dresses.  Super easy, super simple dresses, but again Savannah was very happy!

Then, I decided the babies needed matching headbands as well.  (Sorry, no individual pictures for those!)  So I was watching Savannah play with her babies, dressing them and changing their diapers.  At one point she even pretends to wipe their little bottoms and says they are stinky.  Light bulb!!!  I go back to my sewing machine and quickly create a little wipes case, and then stuff it with little squares of white fabric I had laying around.  How cute is that? :)

So my little project that started with this:                Ended like this:

Yes, you can laugh at me if you'd like.  Sad to say, there would have been even more, but when I asked if she needed a diaper bag for her stuff, she said she already had one.  I think a little bit bigger diapers need to made though in the near future.  These don't fit her Build-A-Bear animals.  We can't have that now!  :)

The great thing about all of this is that Savannah was happy, I was happy, and we were spending some great mommy-daughter time together.  It doesn't get any better than that. :)

P.S.  The few people that have actually seen the diapers, including my husband, thinks they would be a great thing to offer to others.  So if you have a little girl in your life who needs some diapers for their babies, let me know.  I'm going to make up some little packs with 3 diapers and a fake wipes case.  Think of what a great little gift this could be for Christmas!  Look for them in my Etsy store. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Purses baby!

I've been working on some purses for my store.  Until I get my magnetic clasps that I've been waiting on I decided to list some sample purses in my store so everyone will at least know the style/size of the purses I've been making.  I can do purses with these fabrics or other fabrics of your liking.  If you like what you see, visit my Etsy Store "Sew Love to Sew"   Thanks!


I guess I'm making two separate posts today for two totally unrelated topics that I wanted to share. :)

Yesterday Savannah came home after school.  I looked down and she had a pin on her shirt (one that I think made permanent holes in her shirt..ugh.)  Anyway, I read the pin, and it says "Student of the Week!"  I tried to find out what I could about it which is very difficult with my Savannah since she usually doesn't just give lots of information with out being asked a ton of questions.  I found out that she got it in an Assembly they have at school called "Rise and Shine," and she was the only one in her class that got one!  I was so excited and proud of her.  I guess this was the first assembly for the year.  Her school is a year round school so they started August 1.  I can say honestly that I'm not real surprised that Savannah got a reward.  She is such a sweet, well behaved little girl.  I don't she even realized that it was a special thing that she got! Ha!  

Here's my girl with her pin.

Changes of Spring

This is the last of the posts from my other blog.  If you didn't see the other posts, I'm consolidating!  

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tonight I took Savannah out for a walk. I've been waiting for Spring for so long so I can go outside with her. The winter cold and darks seems to bog me down. It almost makes me not feel like myself. It was so beautiful outside. It was actually still light when we got done with supper! I was so excited! We had to go out! As we were strolling, I couldn't help but look around at the trees blooming and birds chirping. It smelled like spring. mmm.... It lingered on my clothes even after being inside for a while after. Of course, this is Arkansas and that means that the cold will come back once or twice before the warmth officially stays. It supposed to get colder tomorrow. It depresses me to even think of it.

I've always known that it doesn't take much to get me excited. I think most people who know me at all also know this. So what excited me tonight? Savannah ate macaroni and cheese! Okay, I know that might be kind of lame, but she's just so picky. I make sure to let her know how proud of her I am when she tries something new. We've tried macaroni several times. I think she just doesn't like the texture of pasta. Tonight, we bought her some "Cars" mac and cheese (Cars is her new love.) I pumped it up the whole way home from Wal-Mart. Then, once home I let her stand next to me and "help" make it (she loves helping cook.) So, when it was ready, even she was excited to eat it. Of course, as soon as she did eat it, I took a pic and bragged on her. Well, after all the fuss, she ate maybe 10 pieces, and then decided she didn't like it anymore and was spitting out the pasta (again, I think the texture was bothering her.) From then on she sat licking the cheese off her spoon and out of the bowl. So, we made progress. Maybe even more next time. I can at least say I refuse to give up!