
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Changes of Spring

This is the last of the posts from my other blog.  If you didn't see the other posts, I'm consolidating!  

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tonight I took Savannah out for a walk. I've been waiting for Spring for so long so I can go outside with her. The winter cold and darks seems to bog me down. It almost makes me not feel like myself. It was so beautiful outside. It was actually still light when we got done with supper! I was so excited! We had to go out! As we were strolling, I couldn't help but look around at the trees blooming and birds chirping. It smelled like spring. mmm.... It lingered on my clothes even after being inside for a while after. Of course, this is Arkansas and that means that the cold will come back once or twice before the warmth officially stays. It supposed to get colder tomorrow. It depresses me to even think of it.

I've always known that it doesn't take much to get me excited. I think most people who know me at all also know this. So what excited me tonight? Savannah ate macaroni and cheese! Okay, I know that might be kind of lame, but she's just so picky. I make sure to let her know how proud of her I am when she tries something new. We've tried macaroni several times. I think she just doesn't like the texture of pasta. Tonight, we bought her some "Cars" mac and cheese (Cars is her new love.) I pumped it up the whole way home from Wal-Mart. Then, once home I let her stand next to me and "help" make it (she loves helping cook.) So, when it was ready, even she was excited to eat it. Of course, as soon as she did eat it, I took a pic and bragged on her. Well, after all the fuss, she ate maybe 10 pieces, and then decided she didn't like it anymore and was spitting out the pasta (again, I think the texture was bothering her.) From then on she sat licking the cheese off her spoon and out of the bowl. So, we made progress. Maybe even more next time. I can at least say I refuse to give up!

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