
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Purses baby!

I've been working on some purses for my store.  Until I get my magnetic clasps that I've been waiting on I decided to list some sample purses in my store so everyone will at least know the style/size of the purses I've been making.  I can do purses with these fabrics or other fabrics of your liking.  If you like what you see, visit my Etsy Store "Sew Love to Sew"   Thanks!


I guess I'm making two separate posts today for two totally unrelated topics that I wanted to share. :)

Yesterday Savannah came home after school.  I looked down and she had a pin on her shirt (one that I think made permanent holes in her shirt..ugh.)  Anyway, I read the pin, and it says "Student of the Week!"  I tried to find out what I could about it which is very difficult with my Savannah since she usually doesn't just give lots of information with out being asked a ton of questions.  I found out that she got it in an Assembly they have at school called "Rise and Shine," and she was the only one in her class that got one!  I was so excited and proud of her.  I guess this was the first assembly for the year.  Her school is a year round school so they started August 1.  I can say honestly that I'm not real surprised that Savannah got a reward.  She is such a sweet, well behaved little girl.  I don't she even realized that it was a special thing that she got! Ha!  

Here's my girl with her pin.

Changes of Spring

This is the last of the posts from my other blog.  If you didn't see the other posts, I'm consolidating!  

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tonight I took Savannah out for a walk. I've been waiting for Spring for so long so I can go outside with her. The winter cold and darks seems to bog me down. It almost makes me not feel like myself. It was so beautiful outside. It was actually still light when we got done with supper! I was so excited! We had to go out! As we were strolling, I couldn't help but look around at the trees blooming and birds chirping. It smelled like spring. mmm.... It lingered on my clothes even after being inside for a while after. Of course, this is Arkansas and that means that the cold will come back once or twice before the warmth officially stays. It supposed to get colder tomorrow. It depresses me to even think of it.

I've always known that it doesn't take much to get me excited. I think most people who know me at all also know this. So what excited me tonight? Savannah ate macaroni and cheese! Okay, I know that might be kind of lame, but she's just so picky. I make sure to let her know how proud of her I am when she tries something new. We've tried macaroni several times. I think she just doesn't like the texture of pasta. Tonight, we bought her some "Cars" mac and cheese (Cars is her new love.) I pumped it up the whole way home from Wal-Mart. Then, once home I let her stand next to me and "help" make it (she loves helping cook.) So, when it was ready, even she was excited to eat it. Of course, as soon as she did eat it, I took a pic and bragged on her. Well, after all the fuss, she ate maybe 10 pieces, and then decided she didn't like it anymore and was spitting out the pasta (again, I think the texture was bothering her.) From then on she sat licking the cheese off her spoon and out of the bowl. So, we made progress. Maybe even more next time. I can at least say I refuse to give up!


I'm consolidating my old blog and this one. This is another of my old post from the other blog.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tonight while putting Savannah down for bed, I watched her as she clung to her bunny. I tried not to laugh as I thought about poor old "Bunny-O", and his life. It started about a year ago. We got Bunny-O for Savannah at "Build-a-Bear." Of course, at that time she wasn't even a year old yet, but she knew something special was going on. She quickly became attached to it. She slept with it, and carried it around with her. Then, about two months ago Savannah got a stomach bug. She had diarrhea so bad, even at night while she was sleeping. One night it even leaked out her p.j.s. It was awful! Poor Bunny-O became a victim of the mess. So, I put him aside so I could clean him later. Savannah saw him sitting there, and asked for him. I tried to tell her that he was dirty and she could have him later. I cleaned him up, and again put him up to dry (again, right where she could him, mistake!) She kept asking for him, and I kept refusing. Finally, when he was no longer stinky and completely dry, I gave him back. To my surprise Savannah did not want him! She would not play with him or sleep with him. It was kind of sad. So this went on for about two months. I finally gave up trying. She had found a new love. Then, all of the sudden two weeks ago, she wants Bunny-O back. She had him for two days when she again got sick. She was crying in the middle of the night, and I went to her and pulled her out of her bed. I could smell the sickness. This time vomit. As I began to clean up, I pulled all of her blankets and stuffed animals out of her crib, sorting the clean from victims. As it turns out, all of her animals made it through the ordeal without getting anything on them, all of them except Bunny-O! Poor thing. As I realized this, I had to laugh. So, I again had to clean him and let him dry, but this time I used the wisdom I had gained from previous experiences. Bunny-O got a special spot in our laundry room so Savannah could not see him. Now all nice and clean, he is back where he belongs, in Savannah's arms.

The things they say

*Some of you will find this funny (and not be surprised at all if you know me), but I forgot that I had set up a blog about 3 years ago and actually had a couple of posts on it.  I have copied the posts to put on this blog so I can get rid of the other.  Enjoy!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

So this blog is all about the funny things that Savannah says. I had to include them in my blog so I don't forget about all the adorable things she says. She just turned two and is talking like crazy, but she doesn't always get it right which means we get a lot of laughs out of it.

So to start off...lately we're trying to get her to say "I love you". Though she's said it before you can't really tell what she's saying. It's all jumbled together, so we've been breaking it down for her and asking her to repeat us. I....Love....You. She does great on the "I' and the "love", but she has problems with the "you" part. Oh, she can say the word "you" that's not the issue. She says "me" instead! LOL! Too funny!

Okay, another funny one is the word "zip". She can say it just fine if you ask her to repeat you. It's the times she decides to say it all on her own that's so funny. For instance, she'll put a jacket on and start messing with the zipper trying to figure it out. After a while, she'll turn to one of us and say "piz." So if you ever hear her say "piz" now you know what it means. (It's not the other not so nice word that it almost sounds like!)

We try to be good parents and teach our daughter some manners. She's doing pretty well with it. She knows that when some one gives her something you respond by using your manners. While we've taught her to say thank you, she just won't say it! Instead she chooses to say "welcome." At least she gets the concept. I'm sure she'll eventually get it!

So this one is a total opposite of the manners thing (well, kind of.) As with all little ones they at some point realize that there comes a little sound from their behind once in a while. A "toot" as we call it. We've tried to teach Savannah to say excuse me when she does this. We were shopping once, and she did it in public so I looked at her and said "What do you say?" She responded with "I toot!" I tried not to laugh, but it was just too funny! Of course, after I was done laughing, I made her say excuse me. Now when she does it, she looks up with a big smile and says "I toot!" (I guess I shouldn't have laughed that first time!) Of course, I always respond with "What do you say?" and she says "me" (which is how she says excuse me, but almost seems like a confession of who did it!)

Often when Savannah ate peanut butter it was on her toast "peanut butter toast." So now when she sees a jar of peanut butter she calls it "pea butter toast".

One of her first words was "ball." I loved how everything round was a ball. At Target the big round red cement balls out front were "balls." She wanted to play with them. LOL! Watermelons at the grocery store were "balls." She got mad because I wouldn't let her have the "ball."

I'm sure I'll think of more that I don't want to ever forget. Be prepared for additions to this blog!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Loving It!

I've been creating for years now.  Sewing, crafting, scrapbooking, etc., etc.,  You name it.  I've probably tried doing it.  I tend to think that I can do just about any type of crafting, though that's necessarily the case.  I do love it though!  Most often I see something some where else and am inspired.  I pull out one of my many tubs of crafting stuff and get to work.  Again, I love it!

Right now sewing is my big thing, though I do take breaks now and then to work on other creations.  I started out making a pillow case dress or two.  Easy.  Then, it exploded!  Now, I want to sew anything and everything.  My husband told me the other day that I was going crazy.  Maybe I am???   :)   

I pin plenty of items on Pinterest concerning sewing.  I love purses and starting pinning those figuring one day I'd make myself one.  This summer I was looking at department stores for purses and just couldn't find anything I loved, and then I remembered all those purses waiting for me on Pinterest.  So I went for it.  And I loved it!  Before I know it I'm making them for others and selling them.  Wow.  How did this happen?   

So now, today, I set up my Etsy store, "So Love to Sew."  I don't have any purses on it yet.  (I know.  Lame.  I'm waiting on a shipment of magnetic clasp so I can list those babies!)  I do have a very cute organizer for the car though.  A book organizer, if you will, but it can be used for other things.  (We read a lot of books in my house, so naturally they are in the car too!)

Stuffed with books and a few toys.
See how cute?  Even has a pocket for DVDs. 

My daughter wanted to help me with the organizer.  Actually, when I say "she helped me" it was actually to help me clean out the car so I could take some pics.  I didn't want a bunch of old Gold Fish crackers and Cheerios showing up in the pic!  Savannah, my daughter, was actually very excited about the organizer.  She helped stuff the toys and books in it, and she even wanted her pic taken in front of it.  

So use the link on the right side of my page to go to my Esty store, "So Love to Sew" and check out what I've got.  If not much now, just be patient with me. Even if you're not interested in buying at least come back to the blog.  Who knows what I'll be up to next.  :)