
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Loving It!

I've been creating for years now.  Sewing, crafting, scrapbooking, etc., etc.,  You name it.  I've probably tried doing it.  I tend to think that I can do just about any type of crafting, though that's necessarily the case.  I do love it though!  Most often I see something some where else and am inspired.  I pull out one of my many tubs of crafting stuff and get to work.  Again, I love it!

Right now sewing is my big thing, though I do take breaks now and then to work on other creations.  I started out making a pillow case dress or two.  Easy.  Then, it exploded!  Now, I want to sew anything and everything.  My husband told me the other day that I was going crazy.  Maybe I am???   :)   

I pin plenty of items on Pinterest concerning sewing.  I love purses and starting pinning those figuring one day I'd make myself one.  This summer I was looking at department stores for purses and just couldn't find anything I loved, and then I remembered all those purses waiting for me on Pinterest.  So I went for it.  And I loved it!  Before I know it I'm making them for others and selling them.  Wow.  How did this happen?   

So now, today, I set up my Etsy store, "So Love to Sew."  I don't have any purses on it yet.  (I know.  Lame.  I'm waiting on a shipment of magnetic clasp so I can list those babies!)  I do have a very cute organizer for the car though.  A book organizer, if you will, but it can be used for other things.  (We read a lot of books in my house, so naturally they are in the car too!)

Stuffed with books and a few toys.
See how cute?  Even has a pocket for DVDs. 

My daughter wanted to help me with the organizer.  Actually, when I say "she helped me" it was actually to help me clean out the car so I could take some pics.  I didn't want a bunch of old Gold Fish crackers and Cheerios showing up in the pic!  Savannah, my daughter, was actually very excited about the organizer.  She helped stuff the toys and books in it, and she even wanted her pic taken in front of it.  

So use the link on the right side of my page to go to my Esty store, "So Love to Sew" and check out what I've got.  If not much now, just be patient with me. Even if you're not interested in buying at least come back to the blog.  Who knows what I'll be up to next.  :)

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